Property Details
Legal Description
Situated in the City of Brecksville, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, and known as being Sublot Number 24, in Brook Park Factory Sites Incorporated Chapel Hill subdivision of part of original Brecksville Township Lot Number 43, as shown by the recorded plan in Volume 187 of Maps, page 38 of Cuyahoga County Records, and being 106.84 feet front on the Northerly side of Chapel Hill Drive, 34.48 feet on the curved turnout between said Northerly line, and the Easterly line of Glen Drive, and extending back 245.17 feet deep on the Easterly line, 236.55 feet deep on the Westerly line, which is alo the Easterly line of Glen Drive, and having a rear line of 87.73 feet, as appears by said plat, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.